How To Make A ZIP File Password-Protected In Windows


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Putting several things into one ZIP file is a great way to send them all simultaneously. This makes a file smaller, so it's simpler to save or share, but you can also put a password on it to control who can see it. Windows 10 has a built-in way to secure ZIP files, but you can do the same with third-party tools or software. This piece will look at ways to protect a ZIP file with a password.

Why is it important to use a password to protect files?

Putting passwords on files is an excellent method to limit access to certain people. Doing this lets you decide who can see the files inside and who can't. It's the first line of defense against people who shouldn't be able to open the zipped files. It also saves your files in case someone hacks your computer, or it gets malware. Adding a password means no one can view your private papers without permission.

How to Secure a ZIP File with a Password

Windows 10 has a built-in way to encrypt ZIP files, but it only works on the machine where you encrypt it. When you utilize this method, Windows 10 will use a key to secure the file and then save it to the current user's account. This file can only be accessed if you have logged in with the same account. So no one else can use your machine to get to it.

But this type of protection won't work if you want to share the ZIP file with a password with other people. This feature is included in Windows 10 Enterprise, Education, and Pro. If you have Windows Home, though, this method won't work. So, if you use Windows 10 Home or want to share password-protected files on the Internet, you must employ third-party software or tools to allow protection.

How to Encrypt a ZIP File in PC

Before you encrypt ZIP files in Windows, you need to compress them into.ZIP format:

Find the zipped folder you want to protect with a password and right-click on it.

When you click on Properties, the folder's property settings will open.

In the property settings window, click Advanced in the General tab. The box for Advanced Attributes will pop up.

Verify the "Encrypt Contents to Secure Data" box at the bottom of "Advanced Attributes". Just click OK.

After you do this, a box will appear asking you to accept. It will ask you if you want just to encrypt the folder or if you also want to encrypt the subfolders and files in the folder.

Click OK after choosing the first, "Encrypt the file and its parent folder".

The ZIP folder will now be secured, but a password won't protect it. No password is needed to get to it from your account.

Using WinRAR to encrypt a ZIP file

Most people use WinRAR to secure files that have been compressed. With WinRAR, you can share a password on a ZIP file without losing it. You've probably only used WinRAR to zip and unzip files, but it also has a great password safety tool you may not have known about. So, let's look at how to use a password to protect your files in WinRAR. Don't worry; you can also use this function in the free version of WinRAR.

Open the file that was compressed with WinRAR.

Click on Tools and then Content Files. (This will bring up the content files window, which you can get to quickly by hitting the keyboard shortcut ALT+Q.

Click on Compression to get to the usual compression settings.

Click Set Password in the General tab.

Please enter the password you want to use and then join it again to verify it.

If you want to secure transformed files, press OK on the final approval window.

According to the size of the files you want to compress, WinRAR will need some time to finish the job. If you forget the password you chose for this file, you cannot open it again. Even if you view a file on your computer, you must always enter your password.

WinRAR has a password manager to keep all your passwords in one place. So, let's look at it quickly so you never get locked out of your files again.

Password Organizing in WinRAR

Follow the steps above to store files with a password for the usual compression choices.

Click "Organize Password".

Click "Add" to add a new password.

Fill out the boxes for "password text" and "password label". Label your passwords correctly so you don't mix them up.

Select OK.

The password will be put in the box called "Organize password". When you open the organize password box again, you will find a list of names for the stored password. Choose the name you want to use and copy the password. When organizing passwords, all saved passwords will be available to all users who use the same identity on the same machine. If nobody else can get into the system, use it this way.

How safe are ZIP files with encryption?

ZIP 2.0 and AES are the two types of encryption used to secure ZIP files. ZIP 2.0 has weak security that is easy to break with password recovery software and tools. On the other hand, AES (Advanced Security Standard) is the most modern and secure type of security.

AES encryption is the best way to protect your info because breaking it is almost impossible. AES encryption is also offered in 128-bit and 256-bit versions. Even though 256-bit is better than 128-bit, 128-bit AES is much easier.

With WinRAR 5.0, you can use 256-bit encryption to ensure your files are safe. But encryption with a password is only as effective as the length and type of the password you offer. So, always ensure that all passwords you utilize are long and complicated enough to keep your files safe.